Thursday, November 1, 2007

Do Cardinals Have Teeth?

Am I the only one in the world who looks at the above image wonders WTF. Now I never took a biology class at WVU, but I'm pretty sure that Cardinals aren't hiding teeth inside their beaks.

The teeth may make the Cardinal look tough but it also makes the person wearing the shirt look like a jackass. Just admit that the Cardinal is a pussy mascot and use that fancy L as your logo.

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Chris said...

I thought the same thing when I saw their mascot. The whole teeth thing is dumb.

wvcouch said...

Should have been FANGS!

Unknown said...

That mascot picture will not have any teeth after we kick the ever living piss out of them this coming week.

JP said...

What the fuck kinda mascot is a Mountaineer? Dumb coonskin cap wearing muther fuckers. You guys go to school in West Virginia? I could've sworn all you did was fuck animals over there