Then came gameday. Pregame, the only thing nastier than the weather were the Rutgers dance and cheerleading squads. Yikes. The weather cleared up before kickoff, but was still pretty windy. That would not last. The skies opened. Not really sure when, but at that point it got a little primal. Coincidently, that's the point in time that WVU just kicked it into overdrive and left the overmatched Scarlet Knights behind. It was sweet.
Obviously, the whole team played great. However, I want to mention the performance of Pat McAfee. He was great. From solid kickoffs to the big field goal before halftime, Pat was gigantic.
Some thoughts on Rutgers:
I went up to the game in 2005. Same weather as this game. This time, there were alot more Rutgers fans there. That's a positive for the program and the Big East.
On the flip side, the program still has a ways to go. 40,000 seat stadium? Come on. No out of town scores. No stats. A sub par band. Long lines at bathrooms. Fellas, you aren't going 3-8 anymore.
I don't like Rutgers coach Greg Schiano, but respect him. However, it was GREAT to watch him throw off his headphones and start walking out onto the field before Rod made his move. He had his ass kicked enough.
Have fun again down at Houston, Rutgers.
Meanwhile, the good guys are gaining steam. I pity Louisville, Cincy, UConn and Pitt.

I was in Jersey leading up to the game, and friday night had to make the decission, find a hotel, scalp a ticket, and deal with the rain.
Couldn't do it. Felt like crap.
Drove home, in the rain friday, saw my 5 year old block 6 OT shots on goal, and win his first game. Went home and watched on HD the Mounties dismantle RU.
Something wasn't right.....absessed tooth! Called DDS, got pain pills, made it through the weekend. Got drilled on Monday.
Now, if I was in Jersey, 8 hours from home, I think I would have checked into an emergency room for the absess. Probably got some DDS that went to RU and had big bucks on the game.
The lord works in mysterious ways.
Wish I could have been in attendance for this one...I will be, along with the rest of the home games, at the Cincy game, so if none of you can attend I can email you after the fact and give some of the details, i.e. enviroment, crowd, etc,etc.
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