- OK, people, it was our third home game and I maybe saw 4 people rocking during the opening video. When the video says “Time to Rock”, you rock like you never have rocked before! In case you don’t know how to rock simply lean back and then lean forward. Do this repeatedly until you are supposed to start clapping/going crazy.
- Hey cheerleaders, why in the hell are you trying to start a “Let’s Go Mountaineers” cheer when we are on offense? I think the hairspray and make-up has gone to your brain. You are supposed to shut the hell up when we have the ball. If you are in the stands and someone beside you participates in this cheer while we have the ball, I give you permission to break your empty bottle of Jack over their head.
- Please, I beg of you, for the love of God no more waves. It distracts everyone from the game and really sucks the life out of the crowd. This team is giving their all on the field but you would rather watch the rest of the crowd stand up, throw their hands over the head, and go WOOO. (sigh)
- Titus Brown of Mississippi State is an asshole. He hit Patrick White late on at least three plays. White was slow getting up on one of those occasions and I had visions of making Mr. Brown squeal like a piggy.
To calm down from these traumatic moments I came home and stared at this for a couple hours.

"White was slow getting up on one of those occasions and I had visions of making Mr. Brown squeal like a piggy."
It's not often you see apparent threats of anal raping at WBGV. Glad I was here to witness it.
1. Not throwing over the middle, unless we're in the red zone.
2. Not throwing on first down (except bubbles which we 'run' way too often).
3. People giving MSU fans any kind of crap. Those people treated us like Gold in MS last year. Save your anger for the Pitt fans. They deserve it.
4. Devine not playing more. I too want Steve to carry more in the games, so at least throw the little guy out there as a receiver?
5. Our random kickoff game. Ok so Pat Mac can boom the ball. Let's do that every kickoff.
6. Kozlowski is on scholarship. Have him punt. No I'm not related to him... but he messes up 1 play (albeit a very, very key play) and he gets benched forever? Not fair.
I can nit-pick by wanting a larger variation of music being played over the loudspeaker too, right? Same stuff just gets boring. Rutgers game last year it seemed like they had a very wide assortment. Just my $.02.
1. People begging for us to pass more, when in fact we should pass less. However, when we do, there should be more downfield routes, and when we run, owen schmidtt should be the lead blocker 80% of the time rather than 20%, due to the poor line play.
Look at the stats, our best games are when we pass only 10-15 times in the game. Just like our best games in the Beilein era were when we were shooting 18-25 3's rather than 30-40.
The running game isn't working as well because our line is subpar, compared to previoud years (thanks to the poor play of the right side: dent, rodemeyer/hayes, figner/capers), so Rodriguez is trying to run the ball on the bubble screens, trusting our wideouts are a better bet to block 1 on 1 than the linemen.
This is an okay idea as long as reynaud is on the recieving end becuase of his elusiveness, however, jalloh and gonzalez are replaced far too often with hogan and sanders and johnson and lyons(theres a reason why a 6'8 guy has trouble getting on the field, he's not that good) who are worse blockers, and even worse and gaining tough yards on bubble screens.
As mentioned, the line isn't as good this year, and therefore, the stretch play, the gives us the most homerun potential (see last year) but is an all or nothing play, is turning out to be more nothing this year. Most plays with Schmiddt lead blocking, whether out of the I-formation or shotgun, have been successful. More straight ahead runs the better.
One more point, Schmidtt as the single back in the I, as used in the unsuccessful goal line series against Maryland and on our own goalline against Miss St., doesn't seem to be the answer. The line isn't big enough to open a hole for him when there's no element of surprise to his carry. How about Schmidtt lead blocking for Slaton, or, like we used last year, Max Anderson playing fullback for Scmditt.
In some, RUN, RUN, and RUN some more. We're better then everyone we play, make them stop what we do best.
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